Secrets in an Amish Garden by Lenora Worth

Secrets in an Amish Garden by Lenora Worth

Author:Lenora Worth
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2022-01-26T01:06:05+00:00

Chapter Fourteen

As summer progressed, Rebecca’s field of lilies grew and developed, the scent of the blooms filling the air from dawn to dusk. She opened her bedroom window as night settled over the yard and gently sloping hills. The scent of the lilies, along with the magnolias her mamm had planted years ago, and a few gardenias she’d managed to keep in pots and bring in during the winter, surrounded her. Inhaling, she thanked God for his beautiful world.

But summer also brought tourists, and today had been a busy day. Some just stopped to take pictures of the symmetric rows of lilies covering the countryside in shades ranging from white to lemon and orange, followed by reds and burgundies and deep purples. She tried to plant her lilies so the lighter shades would show off and lead to the deeper shade. It made for a beautiful field, almost like a colorful quilt.

She also mixed up a few in a special area, so they could hybridize and produce new variances. Most people came to buy but weren’t sure where to begin or how. The mixed garden gave them an idea of which colors worked together. It had become a popular new addition to her garden.

Jeb had suggested she have pamphlets made up, explaining the basic steps of planting, growing and hybridizing the exquisite flowers. He’d helped her draft a sample, and he’d taken his design to the Campton Center where Jewel studied it and created a mockup on the fancy laptop that she used to keep the center running.

Jewel had delivered the big box of pamphlets this morning.

“See what you think, Rebecca,” the sturdy woman with short, cropped hair and dangling red earrings had said, her smile shining bright with joy. “I had so much fun designing this for you. I found stock photos online and bought us a few. I even came to your field the other day when you’d gone visiting and snapped some photos. Jeb had a great idea with the handout information. That one, he’s a keeper. Hardworking and easy on the eye.”

Jewel had winked when she’d said that, causing Rebecca to blush. “He sure brags on you,” the eccentric woman had whispered. “I think he’s got a big old crush on you.”

“We are friends,” Rebecca tried to explain. “But I do appreciate his knowledge on such things. I never thought to create a pamphlet on growing lilies. I can hand them out, rather than repeating myself over and over. Progress.”

Jewel, wearing a bright floral long tunic over blue jeans, had agreed. “Jeb is smart. You let me know when these run out. I’ll order more.”

“How much do I owe you?” Rebecca asked.

“It’s paid,” Jewel replied. “The man who has a crush on you covered the tab, but don’t fret. I gave him a supergood deal.” Another wink, which Rebecca interpreted to mean Jewel had saved Jeb from giving up too much of his pay.

Now as she stood looking out at the moonlit field, which showcased her moon garden lilies nicely, she felt a bittersweet ache in her soul.


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